For about 10 years ago Susanne started writing her own music, inspired by her poems. She wanted to tell her stories, about things that touched her. She sings about complicated relationships, about death and sorrow, odd details in life and the importance of encounters.
In 2017 she wrote a Twin Peaks-inspired song when the cult series re-premiered again after 25 years. Last autumn 2019, her song Fjäälin, a tribute to her childhood landscape, became a hit. In 2017 she also started a collaboration with the American soundartist Dråsa and together they made the music to the multi-art project: Kintsugi - Artfilms about loss.
“ Musician Susanne Marins personifies the forest nymph. Her stories about life, set to simple guitar tunes, are enticing. Yet, like
the nymph, they become something completely different when she turns around.
Her poetry lands the listener right in the unknown. Her lyrics are a winding road, staking out an everyday life filled with love and whimsical ideas, but also separation and grief. Sometimes her lyrics has you peering at the person sitting next to you, as there are no taboos is Susanne Marin’s lyrics. And you never feel completely safe in the company of her music. That’s the great thing about it. “
Jessica Morney, radio reporter